09 January 2016

About Us

Who are we?  We're a pretty typical family of four: mama (Kirstin), papa (Scott), and the real impetus behind our family walkabout - our two daughters, Alexis (5) and Camilla (3).  Kirstin and I have always loved both travel and adventure, but as often happens when children are added to the mix, the pace and diversity of those travels and adventures has been abbreviated in the last many years.  We have never accepted this as simply 'the way that it must be', but have yearned instead to travel the world with our daughters and show it to them firsthand.  Kirstin and I both harbor a deep appreciation for the diversity and splendor of the wide world, and highly value the perspective that comes from experiencing life outside the routine boundaries.  We are both military veterans, and the life experience that brings has surely colorized our perspective and world views.  I am far more appreciative for it.  I appreciate each day, every experience, my wonderful family, and every moment I am afforded with them.  

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